Product Description: The Avocado , when ripe, has a dull skin colour and creamy yellow flesh.
中文描述: 鳄梨熟时, 暗色果皮, 乳脂状黄色果肉.
——期刊摘选Product Description: The Beurre Bosc pear is bell - shaped with a brownish skin.
中文描述: 形状好看,果皮为褐色.
互联网Product Description: water chestnut can be fresh cooking, but also the system starch.
产品简介: 菱角可以鲜煮食, 又可制淀粉.
——期刊摘选Product Description: a set of game, tonic and medicine for the integration of herbivores.
产品简介: 是一种集野味 、 滋补、药用于一体的食草动物.
互联网Product Description: Mandarin orange is a fruit Jane medicine.
产品简介: 瓯柑是珍果良药.
互联网Product Description: Paw paw is a large soft fruit with a thin, greenish skin.
中文描述: 大个儿的柔软的水果, 皮薄为绿色.
互联网Organizing the product description to emphasize the purpose of introducing the product and instructing the consumers.
互联网Product Description: a game fragrant, tender meat and tasty, meat more.
产品简介: 具有野味香浓, 肉嫩而鲜美, 瘦肉多.
互联网Product Description: [ Material ] strap is a retractable - type rubber material.
产品介绍: [ 材质 ] 表带是可伸缩型橡胶材料.
互联网Product Description: white color, size, regular, set fire - resistant, heat insulation, thermal insulation in one.
说明: 颜色洁白 、 尺寸规整, 集耐火 、 隔热 、 保温于一体.
互联网Please provide your product description and Chinese, with a maximum 100 Chinese and 50 English words.
请提供中英文产品简介, 以中文100字及英文50字为限.
互联网Product Description : Green hardwood lumber: red oak.
主要产品: 硬木木材(未干燥): 红橡木.
互联网Product description : An indispensable product - always keep a bottle handy!
互联网Product Description: Soft, plump, sweet smelling, sweet flesh, deep red to pinkish brown in color.
中文描述: 柔软, 饱满, 芳香气味, 香甜的果肉, 果皮深红渐红棕色.
互联网Then, the design document defines the product description for the ensuing Executing Process Group.
然后, 设计文件就为执行过程组确定了产品说明书.
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